
Moscow Composers Orchestra

Vladimir Miller is the pianist, principal composer and musical director of the Moscow Composers Orchestra.

Vladimir Miller’s frequent visits to Moscow in the early 1990s and consequent close interaction with music producer Nikolai Dmitriev helped cement the forming of the Moscow Composers Orchestra (MCO), which he now directs. Since the debut CD ‘Kings and Cabbages’ released by Leo Records in March 1993 the MCO has experienced successful concert tours of Germany, Italy, Switzerland and others, including individual performances at ‘Tampere Jazz Happening’ in Finland, Koln Musik Triennale in Germany, Bolzano Jazz Festival in Italy, Vienna Russian Festival in Austria, Mimi Jazz Festival in France and as part of ‘Unsung Music’ at London’s South Bank. This last concert was broadcast on BBC Radio 3’s ‘Impressions’ programme.

MCO have released seven CDs to critical acclaim. Scott Yanow, in Jazziz, wrote “shocking at first… but, as one becomes accustomed to the long tones and motional intensity, the music becomes magically coherent and logical.” In BBC Music Magazine Ian Carr described the MCO as “a highly successful venture in the improvised music area.”

More about Moscow Composers Orchestra here.

Vlad Miller and Notes From Underground

Vlad Miller – piano
Les Booth – six- string electric bass
Dave Rohoman – drums
Adrian Northover – saxes

Vladimir’s quartet; jazz fused with Eastern European and Russian folk roots.

More about Notes From Underground here.

Ancestral Collective

(formerly Helen McDonald and The Descendants) was formed in 2004 as a result of the writing partnership of Helen McDonald and Vladimir Miller.

Vladimir Miller and Helen McDonald met during jam session evenings in London’s West End and gradually cemented what is now Ancestral Collective. They have written many songs and pieces together and have collaborated on a multi-media jazz suite called ‘Pushkin in Africa’ which describes the life of the celebrated Russian poet Alexander Pushkin, and focuses on his African ancestral roots.

Their music draws on inspirations from Western Africa and Eastern Europe. These two widely different cultures have come together in a stangely unifying manner; there is a natural fusion that sees, for example, Vitus Pilibavicius playing the ragus, a Lithuanian folk instrument, and Helen singing in the Nigerian language Yoruba. Ancestral Collective symbolises the meeting of these cultures, propelling the music into an exciting array of vocal textures and jazz rhythms with passages of creative instrumental interaction.

More about Ancestral Collective here.

The Dinner Party

The Dinner Party is a collective free improvising trio comprised of:

  • Anglo-Russian pianist Vladimir Miller – Moscow Composers Orchestra and Note From Underground
  • Italian double-bassist Pierpaolo Martino – a founding member of avant-jazz ensembles Mondegreen, Howl and Machine3
  • British saxophonist Adrian Northover – known for The Remote Viewers and London Improvisers Orchestra

More about The Dinner Party here.

Miller Hutch

Miller Hutch are a duo that perform their own compositions as well as playing arrangements of jazz standards by Duke Ellington, Miles Davis, Hoagy Charmichael, Freddie Hubbard and many more.

Vladimir Miller is a pianist and principal composer and music director of the Moscow Composers Orchestra, and has his own quartet Notes from Underground.

Hutch Demouilpied performs on trumpet and flute and is a composer. Her score for the British / Scottish feature film Limbowas selected for Cannes 2020.

More about Miller Hutch here